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Workplace nicknames – harmless fun or discrimination

Workplace nicknames – harmless fun or discrimination Have you ever worked with someone nicknamed “Sunshine”? Sounds cheerful, right? Now imagine a colleague known as “The Bulldozer” or “Pitt Ball” for their aggressive work style. Suddenly, the nickname game seems a little less fun. Nicknames are a common feature in many workplaces. They can foster a

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Navigating Your Notice Period

Navigating Your Notice Period Congratulations! You’ve landed the next step in your career, now it is time for the often-dreaded notice period. Don’t worry, with the right approach these next few weeks can be a productive and positive experience. The Legalities: Know Your Contract: The first step is understanding your obligations to your current employer.

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Why you should not play the power game at work

Why the power game doesn’t work Climbing the corporate ladder is often the ultimate goal, but at Jam Management Consultancy, we know the temptation of office politics often leads to a dead end, a toxic work environment and ultimately more problems. The constant war for position and power creates a toxic culture that stifles creativity,

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Pastoral Care In A Modern Workplace

Pastoral Care In A Modern Workplace Pastoral care in a modern workplace is a recent phenomenon and a much-needed one. It involves the kind of holistic support that addresses employees’ personal issues and helps them to overcome these, so that they do not become a barrier to their learning. Understanding Holistic Support: Caring for others

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Recruitment Trends You Need to Know in 2024

Recruitment Trends You Need to Know in 2024 The recruitment landscape is shifting at a rapid speed and the days of passive hiring are over. To attract and retain top talent in this dynamic market, you need a proactive, data-driven approach. At Jam Management, we’re not just watching these trends unfold – we’re actively shaping

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Winning the Talent Wars

Winning the Talent Wars: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent The battle for top talent is fiercer than ever. In today’s competitive business landscape, companies across industries are engaged in what is often referred to as the “Talent Wars.” This is the ability to attract and retain the best professionals and can either make

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The Future of Recruitment: Avatar Meets Ready Player One

The Future of Recruitment: Avatar Meets Ready Player One The recruitment market is constantly evolving, and the next 15 years are poised to be a period of significant change. As technology advances, we can expect to see a number of innovative and new recruitment methods, after all be believe in #PossibilitiesEverywhere. In this article, we

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When Candidates Reject a Job Offer

When Candidates Reject a Job Offer The hiring process can be long and laborious for both candidates and companies alike. Candidates must put in a lot of time and effort to prepare for interviews, while companies must invest time and resources into finding and screening the ideal candidates. Even after all that work, there are

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Is Hybrid Working Here To Stay

Whether you’re a senior manager or part of the next generation of superstars just starting in out the job market, you’ll be aware that the debate is still raging over whether hybrid working is here to stay. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to adopt remote work policies, and many employees found that they enjoyed

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Leadership is the Key to Success?

People are the ‘greatest asset of any company’ is a well-worn phrase in the world of recruitment. But whether you agree or not, it’s certainly true that your team members – from new recruits to senior management – are integral to helping businesses achieve their objectives and enhance performance. Business leaders and those in senior

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Marketing ideas that may prove successful

With increasing numbers of consumers and businesses utilising telecommunications, deploying effective telecom marketing strategies is essential if your organisation wants to cut through the digital noise and stand out in today’s fast-paced market. Statistics show how deep the telecom marketing opportunity goes with more than 80% of the world’s population owning a smartphone. With so

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The fight to keep staff happy and reduce staff turnover

Searching for and finding The next generation of top talent is a key challenge for many businesses. Once you’ve sourced talented staff, whether they are at executive, associate or graduate level, you need to make sure that they stick around so they can positively impact your business. The Great Resignation A Microsoft survey of more

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