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Pastoral Care In A Modern Workplace

Pastoral Care In A Modern Workplace Pastoral care in a modern workplace is a recent phenomenon and a much-needed one. It involves the kind of holistic support that addresses employees’ personal issues and helps them to overcome these, so that they do not become a barrier to their learning. Understanding Holistic Support: Caring for others

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Leadership is the Key to Success?

People are the ‘greatest asset of any company’ is a well-worn phrase in the world of recruitment. But whether you agree or not, it’s certainly true that your team members – from new recruits to senior management – are integral to helping businesses achieve their objectives and enhance performance. Business leaders and those in senior

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Marketing ideas that may prove successful

With increasing numbers of consumers and businesses utilising telecommunications, deploying effective telecom marketing strategies is essential if your organisation wants to cut through the digital noise and stand out in today’s fast-paced market. Statistics show how deep the telecom marketing opportunity goes with more than 80% of the world’s population owning a smartphone. With so

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Hands on Leadership

How to know if your boss is a hands-on leader? We must look into some salient traits of a hands-on leadership. A sleeves up, hands-on leader is a leader who gets involved in the day to day operations of the organization and maintains a close connection with the employees, rather than just overseeing work. Such

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Effective Body Language That Works

The saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ might be true for other spheres of life, but when it comes to workplace environments, immediate impressions based on the outlook have an instant impact on the audience and contribute a great deal to the professional persona of the employees.The dictionary of body language greatly relies

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